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VT-802 Fluorescent Green Velvet

Fluorescent Green Velvet

Series 9000

Design Availability

Max Width: 30
Design featured in: Sulpaco Solids


Base Paper: W-1, Litho
Paper Finish: C1S
Paper Weight: 60
Recycled: 10-20% Recycled
Converters will be pleased to find this item is Glueable, Hot Stampable, and Printable. Samples will be cheerfully supplied for testing.
Design features UV Ink and Velvet Ink inks.

Ordering Information -
Stocked Counter Rolls

24" x 417' SKU: VT080224X417
26" x 417' SKU: VT080226X417
30" x 417' SKU: VT080230X417
24" x 833' SKU: VT080224X833
26" x 833' SKU: VT080226X833
30" x 833' SKU: VT080230X833